Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A Friend and Father Lost!


It was July 2020 I had the misfortune to lose a good friend, an ex-force buddy, a guy with deep moral values, a mindful Disposition, and very intelligence, Who additionally accepted the risks his Work Entailed. 

My beef is simply this.!

His life was not taken in military actionNope instead, it was taken one unfortunate evening shortly after de-fusing a heated argument between the bar staff and a group of Unpleasant probably drunk morons, the waited for him followed, and attacked him, beating him to death,. 

Cowardice and Intent?

After serving in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran this was how to end a life for a military man, night outside a bar not far from his home a few blocks away.

Ironic as it is, it was revealed he assisted the bar owner who was having no effect in finding a resolution,  Leon’s training primarily was to de-escalate problems as a soldier, yes, a very special set of skills and he was good at it, it was well suited to his personality and character,  his best asset.

To me this was premeditated, and no word can sympathize with his young son and wife!

I remember speaking to him only 1 month previously. and only because I persisted in contacting his social media, did I get a response from his wife, who normally doesn't reply to his account.

I am here to remember good times, also to continue this plan we had to get people, fitter, through education, simple structure, and implementation of our own ethics and workout on a daily basis.

Additionally, relay something of my background and drive to stay fit and healthy, I am not fanatical just aware, purposeful, and respect what I have in well-being, a healthy body, and an optimistic approach to life.

These daily exercise activities are here to enable anyone at any level to get involved, and bring a sense of respect to their tattered lives or a disillusioned lot! Cov-19 doesn't help but we don't need to bend to its temporary existence as long as we live,

These classes or routines are free and will continue to be as I personally enjoy my work, my pastime, my goals to remain without illness or infirmity,

Life is far from experiencing, making fun of, and sharing with others, This is me and I don't want anything from that pleasure.


If you wish to join you can review my videos on either [Facebook, olieben]

Salutations to you.

Christopher Jones - YouTube

Christopher E Jones | Facebook

Chats Jones (@christopherjones9) • Instagram photos and videos

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