Monday, July 22, 2019

Health fitness and Medicines in china

Health Fitness and Medicines in China

 is a thriving place and the cities are bustling with millions of people after work and during holidays,
Foreigners are becoming a norm and from various countries arriving to set up a business, working or both Chinese and foreign enterprises,
in most cases or working for a company of reputation and size is getting holiday leave, insurance, and medical assistance.
In other areas or smaller establishments and businesses, this is not the case, or if you are a backpacker or traveller, you had better have something in place as there is not support otherwise, it would then be cash for services rendered, and in the cities, it can cost an arm and a leg,
I had one instance where my Ukrainian girlfriend came to visit me for a few months, one evening she came over all sickly and short of breath, I didn't consider asking if she had medical cover an error on my part, however, I called the taxi and got her directly to the hospital.
On arrival some preliminaries and question was mainly about the name of the insurance company, by a quick once over the general check, shortly afterward we were ushered into a doctor's office,
Apparently, she had suffered stress-delayed symptom reaction to a new environment if that makes sense and her body was responding as was?
she was prescribed tablets to calm the heart rate and to moderate her anxiety, 30 mins later she was as right as rain and chatting as we left with a hefty bill for 1 month of tablets costing 2300rmb this was a 30 mins check and a 1800rmb for the tablets? wow, I was awed and questioned it instantly and quietly.
Now to compare that to the UK, for example, this would be issued on a prescription costing max £10
so there you have an incredible profit-making medical system against anyone who is not on some medical support or system.
the Chinese here unless you are in a company of high ranking and blue-chip ratings, you could not afford this and hence many don't have any cover or prefer to put aside any medical issues they face for fear of losing their entire life savings,
Dental is another one that reflects a similar audacious cost to clients, and foreign companies the USA and Germany, and the UK are in there creating the system.
I for one have medical and more than that I also stock up on medicines each trip I make back to Blighty [UK] even in Hong Kong you can get some general items a little cheaper, but that is becoming a myth, as Hong Kong now has soared in prices due to many Chinese traders and business entrepreneurs are buying wholesale and shipping them back to china or carrying them in huge suitcases weekly over the border to China.

The seemingly outrageous cost is rising between the countries Hong Kong and China mainland so in fact the past options to go to HK to buy cheaper ''stuff'' is no longer an OPTION.
so preparation is key should you be traveling to china for all your own doctor for generally recognized illnesses we are aware of, flu, throat infections, tiredness, coughs, sugar level, and eye irritation symptoms, these can be resolved easily than having it analysed checked and drugs administered in China.
all eyes if fine eating is cheaper, lifestyle is measurable and enjoyable! and never a dull day here
Good health!

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