Thursday, May 28, 2020

South China's Turbulent Weather

Strap in your in for a bumpy ride!

Today has been a variable day, one that started like any normal day, however, within a few hours this was history

Now i am seeing heavy thunder and lightening storms, growing dark clouds looming over the southern Mountains and horizon

The sudden drop in temperature is a surefire sign of changes and weather patterns, as a southernmost part of china this area is now in sun and heat for the time of year, 
So I can only assume that global warming is hitting continents and throwing the weather every which way and on short notice. 

I personally reflect on how similar it is to UK spring showers, but without the thunder and lightning spells, these are deep and cracking in nature of sounds
I am sitting on my Balcony on the 20th floor overlooking Long gang city, a mix of old and modern combined to offer a favorable and interesting aspect to the city and residents

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