Monday, July 22, 2019

Travel To Oriental China

Fear of long-distance travel

It may be well-known to some but there is a Scientific evaluation and symptom that prevents long-distance traveling and raises anxiety

Hodophobia – The Fear of TravelingHodophobia is the irrational and intense fear of travelIt is a personalized phobia– some people may fear going a certain distance away from their home, others may fear certain types of transportation – planestrainsboatsshipsroad travel (although fear of flying is separate from homophobia)

Why Travel to China: The Unknown Culture
Travel has a dream-like appeal and removes us from our mundane or routine lifestyles and work, it gives us something to look forward to annually or bi-annually if our budget allows.
More so if you are considering a long-term or permanent Relocation or life abroad?
For many people, the obvious choice or comfort zones are, Europe and USA, with familiar backgrounds and not-too-dissimilar fundamental social values and expectations
However, the thought of Asia automatically triggers a different collection of ideas and fears, these heightened concerns quickly fall into our minds and start eroding the very beauty of travel and experiences we can obtain if we actually commit to the trip, Thoughts like:
  1. what if I am sick, emergency?
  2. unknown viruses and diseases,
  3. civil riots and demonstrations
  4. attacks and disappearance of persons
  5. how to ask for important help, I.e doctor/ police/dentist/ ambulance
  6. finding a chemist and getting what I need if I was on medication/ drugs?
the list goes on and on from our TV news and media papers, what else should we assume or think?
Emergency numbers/ banks/police/and more, are found on this link: < emergency numbers>

What makes anyone decides on giving up what they are comfortable with and move into an unknown raw society and lifestyle?
  • Is it a need to prove something?
  • Or the pressure of not being happy with our lot
  • Maybe uncertainties that lay ahead against the certainties of the current situation and future are less attractive?
Can it be the fear of not taking steps to be who we really want to be, to allow us to develop in other ways we may really like and embrace?


Why move abroad? Why travel to China? Asia?
Taking stock of ourselves, taking the bull by the horns, pioneering! Spirited.
These are qualities we all aspire to and seek in life I believe
So what holds us back?
What really are the true organic reasons we don’t take that step.
  1. Comfort zones?
  2. Laziness to act?
  3. Passion and conviction in executing our desires and wants?
  4. existing commitments that offer no way out,
  5. fewer possibilities that deem this a no! no!?
I guess all of us have our crosses to bear and skeletons in the cupboard
so what makes you a ‘no-goer’?
A thinker and not a ‘doer’?
The argument may suggest that we are seeking safety:
  • work
  • Family
  • Finances
Maybe just a no-fuss situation, after all, who needs it, right?

My Take On this:
I cannot compare the reason between you and me, however, I can express an undefinable urge to take things and run with them given the opportunities that rear themselves, and an educated guess that comes into play at the decision-making time!
but I have known a simple fact that if you haven’t lived abroad at least once, you are missing a significant experience and self-assessment time.
Anyone that just takes action based on gut feelings or promises really is leaving themselves open to serious misfortunes and dissatisfaction,
hence, decisions, as I see, are comparable to being told this freshly baked lemon meringue pie is tasty and I will like it. But never having seen it, tasted it, or smell it.
The strangest thing is that some people do make these kinds of decisions by being told by a good friend how good something is and proceeding to engage in it. Or that this product is ”gonna” make you rich,
From timeshares in the 90s, cruises, holiday destinations, or even hotels.
Without some personal research and studies and feedback
So what and why do we seek revelation and satisfaction to our needs with travel, holidays, and making a new life elsewhere from our native Comfort surroundings?
I have experienced Europe, the USA, and the eastern block Countries, also the West Indies and Africa, most of these were via my service aboard a UK Warship.
These experiences I recall not being as exciting or holiday scenarios, but they gave me the inspiration and interest to continue and pursue other interests in traveling and getting my feet wet [pardon the pun] traveling
I wanted to be part of and claim better awareness of the world and cultures before I was too old and decrepit and ready to depart this mortal coil.
More optimistically I wanted to find the uniqueness and triggers of cultural traditions where contraventions and social attitudes differ from mine and what it accustomed me

Points to bear in mind: Expats who want to relocate to China: Dragon Bombing Festival
  1. Make sure you have a legal contract with your company and just double-check if the company provides you international health insurance.
  2. Also, you can negotiate different allowances like lodgings, and airfare travel if the job supports it.
  3. Bring RMB 10,000 [£1100] on arrival to China to keep you afloat for 3+ months for frugal and conservative use.
  4. A 48 hr time stamp is set to register as a foreigner at the nearest [ PSB ] police station (处所) If you are renting an apartment, however, if Booked into a hotel, they will register for you it’s legality.
    1. Choosing a place to live depends on cost and social proximity to the city for some people, further away from the city is cheaper but can be a little less Beautiful or offer less of the convenience we are accustomed to. Use an agency in the high street, or log on to some house-sharing groups on WeChat, there you will find better choices and a community that has foreigners to communicate more freely, also they take the sting out of paying more than you would do with deposits and additional fees.
    2. Generally, the agreement will be in Chinese. Take the help of your company HR or colleagues to help you while signing off.
    3. If you are traveling to assess the country and then commit to the location you will stay, then I suggest this is a better way.

China is China and expectations of a foreign nature will not always be met, hence the reasons you have decided on going to live there or travel, just be ready to see overcome and enjoy the experiences, it gets easier as you do.
  • There is never a dull moment
  • buying and transactions should only be done in malls and establishments you meet but, never with an individual in the street or small-time joint, WeChat and Zhi fu bao [allipay] and E-commerce websites – Tmall / Taobao are fine they are accountable.

Well, let's start with Meeting and engaging in all there is to experience in our short life. These are the riches we all can relate to and enjoy, forget the material and power struggle distractions
China and Asia are modern and quickly moving in technological breakthroughs, lifestyle, interactive and social media, and society, it’s a Buzz and constantly alive,
As Morpheus said in the Movie Matrix:
”Is that not worth fighting for,” ” is it not worth dying for”
in our case, it can be ”sacrifices for”, or” commitment for.”
  1. What did you think of this Post?
  2. Was it of particular interest to you?
  3. Would you consider learning Mandarin?
  4. Is China a possible destination?


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