Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Virus Focus on Foreigners Abroad China heightens Cov-19 Checks on travelers


In the wave of the Coronavirus fallout in China and internationally

The shift in criticism is on the global management precautions and Preparation.

Seemingly the stakes are higher in other countries in view of the number of deaths and affected citizens worldwide


We have another Unexpected and unwanted Ugly repercussion born from this Pandemic outbreak, what I mean is that this side effect, bi-product of  our current predicament has given rise to the differences and periodical prejudices about Asian appearance individuals

The Paradoxical

To this the is now also a reversal of this Prejudice in that Chinese are looking at Foreigners Westerners as the contagious source returning to their country

My Status in China

I have come to witness this more obviously recently, certainly over the last week or thereabouts
Chinese Residential securities and metro Officers are stopping with delight glee all foreigners in the crowd. Now we have the ''black Sheep stigma'' appearance and bullseye target on our foreheads

Residents' Complaints of Foreigner Checks

It has now in my own experience a proven ''who you are and where you come from'' scenario.
Following my discussions with guards, they stated residents' complaints have raised the check levels and regard us with fear and critical suspicions, They are pointing out foreigners as if we were carrying the plague and should be more intensely ''restricted and checked'' I was told.

We are back to a situation where a high level of checks are applied to us more than Chinese in my estimation, I could for some Activities in the Park in the morning, and the guard Clocks and Waves at Me.
Then on my return, he stops me as if I was a new face and initiates the same intense passport and residential checks phone call to the apartment boss for confirmation?

China's System, on Virus Containment

The fact that I lived in china continuously for 1 year now is unimportant, New guards are also replaced continuously thereby not helping the ease of travel in and out of buildings particularly
These newbies are fresh and ready to show how effective they are at their jobs, well at least for a few weeks then it's all mundane

The system works well as we have seen, and containment is happening, however, what I see is a focus on action and of the system and not a humane one at least one that can have a better means of qualifying how foreigners are measured and received on a daily basis.
Maybe the Chinese are undisturbed by this but as spirited and openly vocal in our environments. We are somehow expected to fall into place as the Chinese citizens are herded and doing.

A Simple TICK Sheet

I am not talking about special treatment, I am leveling this disciplined and at the same time simple measure to keep information on tenants in Check without a routine or auditing at ground level,
Instead of having a list for example of foreigners in a building that you suspect may be a high level of risk to your community,

You are placed in an unnecessary and repetitive cycle of time wasting going over documents and questioning the same information you divulged hours ago at times to the same person.

Is Common Sense Involved?

Automation is common and Common sense is omitted from their strategy or they just don't give it any level of importance what others' rights.

Foreign Unwanted intervention

I expect to be under more scrutiny and disruption for the foreseeable future, Thanks to Asians and foreigners revisiting china with the virus perhaps carrying a different strain or Mutations?

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