Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Wuhan Hospitals Fights Covid-19

Wuhan Noted for the Corona Virus Outbreak

Currently, more than 9,000 people have been infected globally, and death in China stands at 213 people

Park Recreational areas announcements

This in reality could have happened anywhere else in China. The circumstance and environment may have added to the chances of this terrible instance so early in the 2020 year, 2020 was regarded by the Chinese as a very happy year for Chinese Mouse.
The coronavirus has struck Wuhan and spread to other parts of Hubei, and now all locations in china, no place is safe and certainly,  many more deaths and sicknesses will arise from this progress of what looks like an epidemic.


In China provinces, airports, and train stations are visible and real, body checks are now in place everywhere, including your place of abode on entry, if you are found to have a high temperature you are pushed or directed to visit a hospital and not allowed in your apartment


Shortages of masks that actually are pertinent to the infections are not available after 1 week of notification of the infection.
It was advised that factories are now on the 1st day back to work full production is focused on manufacturing face masks for the minions, hospitals and as I have discovered eBay and Amazon online sellers in the UK and quite likely the USA
Just try buying and you will see Chinese sellers are reporting no availability as manufacturers are on holiday or simply sold out.


This has been bad timing and probably caught the government services short as many people were returning to their hometowns as they do annually. Instead of a happy and joyful family reunion, the trend is more on keeping safe and with minimal contact with people.
Whereby the government has warned families to stay at home and make fewer trips outdoors, parks are also a no-go zone where communities would normally be interacting and doing their daily workouts and exercising like taichi, Latin dances, kite flying, joggers and general workouts in the park


This in reality has taken a direct hit and noticeably so when I go to KFC/MC DONALDS and big Supermarkets you are asked to scan QR codes to order preventing face-to-face contact, thereby reducing infection risks
Shopping malls are all closed corner shops, Bars, and restaurants are shut, and some have stayed open but under constant checks, I would imagine as security officers arrive at establishments and body check you randomly, any signs would lead to closure as I see it.


These modes of transport are under strict monitoring and checks, we have therefore taken to riding bikes and have in this process been able to make the most of the city and its surrounding areas which was pretty much impossible previously.


Due to this huge concern by the government, it is recommended to cook for yourselves or order food.
What also has been noticed in our recent orders are that all foods arriving by couriers to the homes/ apartments have been limited as one was found to have the virus.

Another Important Fact:
Some law must have been issued to all restaurants that in providing a service for delivery of food is that all individuals in the kitchen and delivery process are forced to check and confirmed their body heat readings on the receipt of each food delivered, a good way to keep track of whom, where, when your food was prepared and dispatched to you, an audit trail you can say!


Working environments will be constantly monitored, and many companies are allowing their employees to work from home wherever that business is able to administer work remotely, a 10-day period has been given doing this I understand after that assessment is likely before returning to normal working conditions.

Wuhan has been given the go-ahead to build 2 new from-the-ground hospitals specifically for this CoronaVirus treatment and infected parties, in less than a month one building has been completed, and the 2nd closely behind. The idea is to house all equipment and patient in one centralized area for further investigation, treatments, and observations

From Building BluePrint to Completion


Photo by china daily


Recent BBC News recently claims that Chinese returning to OZ as citizens have claimed unfair behavior to white counterparts in a return home following the Virus and Quarantine Isolation on Christmas Island’s center

Known Corona Virus Effect on the Body

Corona virus Symptoms on the body

Incubation of coronavirus is What Exactly?

The [ WHO] World Health Organization states its current understanding of the virus data and incubation period,[includes time before symptoms appear] ranges from 2 > 10 days this is only estimated.

This needs more time and investigation before being narrowed down as research data is provided and develops Appreciation of Corona’s incubation period will help the health authorities and doctors to plan and prepare a more effective approach to stemming or controlling the spread of the virus.

It means, for instance, that they can introduce more effective quarantine systems, isolating those suspected of carrying the virus from other members of the public

Hong Kong

To Push on the closure of the China border as Coronavirus Spreads
With all the viruses going around, let's protect the ones we love and care about SO SHARE THE LOVE

The Wirral UK

30th Friday, Feb, 83 Britons, and 27 foreign nationals were being flown back to the UK from Wuhan, the Hubei city at the center of the outbreak
Repatriated Citizens have been Placed in Quarantine after being flown out from Wuhan since the outbreak of China’s corona Virus


Uk has donated £20 Million as an aid to finding a vaccine

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