Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Unexpected, we adapt overcome and be stronger, or Die

Today i reflect on my struggles with trying to get my mobile phone to work?

last night it suddenly flicker and the screen went blank, nothing was going to change that seems
I received calls strangely after that happened,

 Murphy's law right?

so an new phone was ordered after scanning through a selected few on the chinese equivalent Ebay site my choice were pressured as time was not on my side, so the following i had narrowed down as reviews suggested.

Samsung a70 and a70s
huawei 10 +
samsung nova 7se
samsung galaxy a90

Finally i went for the samsung A70s

The specs ticked all the boxes and though not a ''gamers powered mobile type'' it was more than well equipped for my uses


So i expect it to arrive to my apartment today, afternoon

Soooo much to get through today and a phone is a must, its incredible how in fact we need these devices, perhaps its more to do with my circumstances here in china

I have just heard from recentent news that USA is in a crisis [ISN'T IS ALWAYS ]with its highest level of unemployment post 2nd world war,1930's

housing evictions are in process, people ar sleepless and worried of next day not having a home, its perceptive, landlords are not offering grace on rents or default payments

people are struggling to pay rent and its getting worst with the coronavirus, i can foresee some crazed people flipping and start a shooting randomly, so look out

Live performances are taking a huge hit worldwide and business performers are resentful as they see no way forward

On the good News side Queen elizabeth 2nd made a speech

70 anniversary of VE DAY speech by the queen hopefully keeping the country consolidated and optimistic in unprecedented trouble times


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