Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Notable Life Instances


Has it ever occurred to you that time is relative to what we have achieved and experienced during our gifted Lives? Epiphany of what significantly marks the Schedule of our time in this mortal existence?

Let's not get too philosophical now, Whoa!


I am ecstatic today after actioning one of the most significant calls to action of my life.

My Son's Birthday!!

Ben is an undergraduate at London University, and never asks for anything, this comes from believing that what he wants in life comes from his own efforts, independent you can say.

Today is his birthday and no mention of what he wants or expects, he has learned much thankfully, Hallelujah!

His surprise is sorted!

I am in china and the distance makes it difficult at best, But all is well.

Contemplating other landmarks preempted by this Birthday has given me much to reconsider and make notes, something I wanted to do some years ago so here are a few that spring to mind and are significant, see if it coincides with yours, ladies and gents

  • Being told I was to fly to the UK from Brazil at age 9 with my 7-year-old sister, to live with my parents
  • Meeting my other UK-born, brother, and sister for the 1st time ever! ~UK
  • A 1st ever family Christmas, ~UK
  • First day at primary School [language difference and cultural shock]
  • 1st real Job, Royal Navy ~UK
  • I.T for Sun Microsystems Unix ~ [ working in London banks]
  • My 1st English Rose [Girlfriend] at 18
  • 1st Home bought UK
  • Serious love to Marriage
  • Daughter 4 years later ~ {Olivia}
  • Son 4 years after ~{ Ben}
  • e-commerce Business startup [active today]
  • Travel to China [Opened an Office]
  • Family to china, scary but cool
  • Passed Driving test China Purchased 1st car
  • Mother to china at 68 scarier still, but worked out [holiday visit]
  • 1st ex-pat Home in China [purchased]
  • Part-time weekend Teacher ENGLISH FIRST CHINA [ TEFL crash course passed]
  • Blog writer and affiliate marketer [currently]

This has really been a roller coaster an incredible change of interest, family development, and concerted efforts, cultural leap, only now I assess the primary or significant aspects do I gauge an astonishing snapshot of all that happened.

I think a book of experience and travel is on the horizon, my next goal

WA has been a completely off-the-wall area of personal investment and creative goal I needed and found in a timely period, maybe I am fortunate but I appreciate every significant aspect of my varied road and its Journey. Have you had such moments to recall your significant and memorable moments?



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