Friday, May 14, 2021

Taichi Chinese Philosophy

Taichi & Chinese Philosophy

Tai chi is the Supremacy perused in the ancient Zhouyi culture of China [Zhong guo]

How To Become a Taichi Master

Skill, dedication, state of mind, balance, constant training, Patience, Understanding

Tai chi is a great form of Martial art Allan is a master for several years and teaches in Shenzhen, China,

Tai chi Master YouTube 

History Brief: Allen Zheng


To a Great Friend, “protagonist” and Exponent of the philosophy, skill, and Culture of Tai Chi

His Learning stems from boyhood, with idols~ Li Xiao Long, (Bruce li  / Jet li)

Allan’s skills have been influenced by highly skilled and adept grandmasters in the Art of Tai chi over the course of his life learning.

He from early childhood showed great desire and passion to move in this direction, entering competitions around China and in Hong Kong, where he took many titles on that long journey.

张爱宁师承太极名家耿见峰老师。陈式太极拳第十三代传承人,王西安拳法第三代传承人,国家武术六段,龙岗区太极协会副会长兼综合队总教练。深圳市太极拳研究会一级教练员、二级社会体育指导员。2018年度“十佳公益教练员”。自幼酷爱武术,先后学习武术,散打,跆拳道,双节棍等,后跟随耿见峰老师系统学习陈式太极拳、刀、剑、春秋大刀等器械及太极推手。自参赛以来国际国内屡屡得冠、均取得优异成绩。Allan Zhang Aining is The 13th generation
inheritor of Chen style Taichi, The Third generation inheritor of Wang xi ‘an
fist method, Martial Arts Sixth Lever.

Social Sports instructor, Shenzhen Taichi Research Society Coach. Head Coach of
Longgang Taichi Association. He’s been fond of martial arts since his

Had learned
martial arts, Boxing, Taekwondo, nunchakus, etc., and then systematically
learned Chen-style Taichi, sword, broadsword, pushing hands, and so on from
Master Geng Jianfeng.

Since joining
the competition has won many first prizes and achieved excellent results from
international martial arts competition.

Allen Believes

That Additionally in China, Tai chi is more than an art or skill it is a Deep cultural Organically grown philosophy of Chinese life, society, ways Family, and traditional values, he also states Chinese medicines of herbs, roots, and natural ingredients are key to the holistic life of Chinese well being and health, with people living well over 100 years old in places, Acupuncture, and understanding of the wider scope and working of the body and mind the ‘Yin Yang effect’ and the balance of our existence.

Useful Pointers

Benefits learning Taichi

  • it’s good for all ages and
    the most important to learn Taichi it’s to get benefits for its keep fit
    and mindful of oneself
  • Note
  • it will be good if the
    beginners know some history of this art
  • Some research on google,
    Yahoo, and Bing, will provide enough insight into this.
  • Advice Learning Taichi
  • Taichi’s key component is the philosophy of traditional Chinese culture it’s mainly talking about Yin
    and Yang balance
  • Support
  • An encouraging and supporting
    tutor Allen's view is that to let more people find enjoyment in getting to
    know Taichi
  • Taichi: learn Tai chi beginners is one that is best started with some understanding of the culture and its artistic form.

Social, Traditional, Philosophy, and Culinary Integrity

Traditional Values and Lifestyle is inter-woven in this ideology and philosophy

Chinese Exercise Taichi was a means of relaxation not fighting, It was also a means of finding peace and mind with body and mind

Chinese foods are extremely varied being that the country has many provinces, towns, and villages that developed their very own local styles and use ingredients specific to that area,

Chinese foods are by that very nature quite healthy and offer good natural ingredients to the body’s needs.

Work and Play is a finite balance that needs daily managing, so exercise is the commitment to keep a ‘yin yang’

Summary (cover of history as I know )

Chinese history of almost 5000 years recorded, is one of the most important cultures of all time, the internal fighting north-south divide has been the only real cultural issue other than the cultural revolution or Maozi dong,

Yet we see china which has survived more external attacks defended by the British, Portuguese, Spanish, and Japanese to mention a few, yet the country. The state continues to survive, call it what you will china has an inherent survival mechanism, that over the centuries merged, enhanced, and contributed to the current development and rise of China to a superpower,

Looking at this broadly this Country though regarded as backward, has bike-riding, rice, and noodle-eating people of whom are predominantly 85% peasant farmers, with simple needs and aspirations, socially controlled by the governing party.

Regarded by the west as simple people, simple standards, Have empowered themselves with smart planning, financial adeptness, commercial viability with drive passion, and the need to win manner than any country I know,

The fundamental strength and adhesiveness are these People, simple, guided, directed you would say, but shown incredible resilience, capability, and capacity to learn and succeed. In some ways this is indicative of Chinese, This very mindset is applied in taichi and kung fu to win to be number one.

The Philosophy of ‘Congzi’ and others have put a certain gelling in the social fabric cake, leaving an unseen but reliance on others to make things work together. Philosophy, traditions, social expectancy, and the persistence to develop grow, and be more than they are is indicative of the Chinese mindset, they may grab whatever is going on, bend the rules to fit, take shortcuts even sacrifice themselves and others to a better end.

Martial arts, Kung fu, Taichi, and similar defensive fighting skills became fighting skills after the true mind and body ideal it was built and set out to achieve was developed and pursued. My mother recently advised me after seeing my blogs and following this taichi master youtube, she sees Allen as an excellent representative of his country, China, and took it further to enroll in lessons to learn the skill and art at the youthful age of 80, well done old girl!


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