Saturday, March 11, 2023

Tourist Visa China



Tourist Visa

If you are into Nightlife and the social scene, bars and clubs, outdoor sports activities, promenade walks and parks, hiking and mountain walks, business events, shows, and so on…no problems


Canadian Coffee Shop: Get a Tourist Visa China

Yesterday I came upon a Canadian Coffee shop, These coffee shops ai am advised are new in the area, fortunately, a good experience with discounts on their coffee and food wrap at a respectable price.

Intrigued to find out more, I started researching the company a conglomerate from Brazil, Yet managed by an American group, This Arm of the Conglomerate is based in Canada, and extending into the China marketplace

Opinion on Product

  • Standard Coffee medium Cup 18rmb ~ good balanced beans taste!
  • Wrap (scrambled egg and ham) tasty and nutritional not salty, good size!


Business Expectations:

Quite recently I received interest from SME’s to cooperate in businesses wanting to get on the European and international platforms. Well works for me, however, each fell short digging deeper their agenda and required was not investment, instead, looking for an established retailer, company, b2b, b2c, and not interested in investing themselves, only at supplier basis.

Forging cooperation in business is possible in China, but you need to be clear on their agenda and be an established player coming to the table with SME businesses in China.


Personal Space and Friends: Get a Tourist Visa China

Personal Space, is only as good as the quality of Friends you keep, relationships I found are plentiful, be aware that relying on them may be costly and a fool’s errand, many see a target on your head with their personal benefits, ”give nothing take all” mentality in the majority. Don’t be fooled by foreigners either they have another level of greed. Caution and awareness will be your Best Friend and Alliance

get a tourist visa china



Stormy Weather: Get a Tourist Visa China

Shenzhen is weathering Bouts of Sporadic infections, together with Nature’s Very own late Summer Stormy Periods. traveling requires careful consideration, I personally hit the (EC) English corners randomly, partly because I need another level of communication and variation, sometimes, fortunately, I meet other foreigners seeking the same outlet, also meeting a few traveled and seasoned Chinese who speak acceptable English. It’s an amusing setup with intriguing responses and attitudes in unusual ways



2021 has accumulated changes for me as a traveler and ex-pat, and the world changes do impact your cross-border travels. The ability to rebound when things go downhill or sideways is essential, the lifestyle by its very nature is open to unexpected incidents some turn sour too.

It’s the price we pay for following our dreams and inspirations. What we should take from these episodical experiences is what doesn’t break or kill you makes you stronger, wiser, and character-building

I believe it’s a test of our metal, our capabilities, our capacity and freedom




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