Tuesday, October 29, 2019

China Art Gallery Museums Shenzhen

 China Art Gallery Museums Shenzhen, News Flash!

For the Discerning, The Opportunists, Inexperienced,Young and Matured.
I have some great news for travelers and Expat to Shenzhen, why not take advantage of these fabulous opportunities, and make connections quickly, and sincerely. Shenzhen has taught me much during my stay in this City.
Private Family Mausoleum we saw on the Tang Lang Mountain Shenzhen Approx 100 years 4 x generation family Burial crypt
When I arrived in the city, I was carrying a great deal of ‘baggage’. Of course, to foreigners, this is a loaded term, well it certainly was; life as a teacher in an academy in a dwindling economy had given me a sour expression and cautious view.
After just a few weeks in SHENZHEN, I realized that I had been living, quite literally in a false economy
was to have a larger impact on me than I than I first thought. Firstly, I now have time to take stock of fast moving changes, this sounds like a contradiction but bear with me please.


 China Art Gallery Museums in Shenzhen, I pondered on them, consider maximizing the skills and optimism that the city offers to locals and foreigners alike. It is not entirely recreational, although that in itself has demonstrated that the workforce is appreciated for more than the economy in Shenzhen.
My experience has enabled me to be a better teacher, make a better contribution to the little world around me, (which spans around the globe as a netizen!) Secondly, I have become aware of the diversity and fluidity the economic market, trends, developments, and just how successful individuals can be when put in the mix. We call this entrepreneurial in some circles, but it is just a nod, in comparison to the day on day successes in Shenzhen when chance meetings happen!

One feature of the Art world of Shenzhen which is remarkably different to the UK is the the public face of the Arts.
Chinese Culture is Interwoven with the Art world and philosophy.
Therefore, the regional government works hard to provide educational, stunning exhibitions of Chinese Art from different regions of China.
There is a good balance of traditional Arts, Ancient Arts, and contemporary arts scene. It appears to be financially supported by the Government. It is really popular with Shenzhen people.

Shenzhen is considered to be the best planned city in the world,
It makes any experience of the Arts more uplifting and dramatic. It also means that the location, distance and sympathetic arrangement of buildings is breathtaking.
Take Children’s Palace (line 4) for example. It is in fact a whole complex. It is the epicenter of Shenzhen’s creation for the families and children of Shenzhen. From the park and statue to the Father of Modern Shenzhen DENG XIAO PING
I have to admit that part of the good feeling of my visits is my delight to see so many families who visit the galleries, relaxed, talking about the art work, and showing the art work to their little ones (there is a baby boom in Shenzhen!).
In My View
The Gallery organizers and managers have also taken the responsibility of providing an outward looking provision of an international Arts program. I have the feeling that this is reciprocated by the community. There is a great deal of civic pride in Shenzhen.
The buildings are new, and well, brand new. The architecture and use of the space reveals the statement which Shenzhen is making, and draws on prior seminal architecture.
I Thoroughly Recommend Shenzhen Museum because it is the magnificent purpose made building which explains the rich history of Shenzhen, the impact of Deng xiao Ping. is the has both touring exhibitions and really beautifully designed and permanent dioramas of the history of Shenzhen
One day I called into the Shenzhen Museum to see the permanent section, the animal enclosure (sponsored by an American veteran). On the same visit, I was treated to an Australian Aboriginal exhibition of famous work from Auckland, and artifacts from ancient Shenzhen. What a astonishing experience this was and certainly above my expectations to see this much in China?


believe or not, It has a way of consolidating your own desires, interests, passion, and activities comfortably and simply.
You will not be disappointed if you keep an open mind and think outside of the box.

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