Tuesday, October 29, 2019

RECOVERING AFTER AN UNUSUAL SICKNESS, and park actiities in china


48hrs ago I was laid up feeling like the flu but not actually the same symptoms, no sneezing, runny nose or headaches, however, I had hot and cold rushes, feeling of weakness all over and lethargy,

ok ok you could on that basis state some flu symptoms were evident, anyway feeling a little sprite yesterday I decided to go out and stretch my legs in the park across the road, great day and nice breeze, why not! go ready and made my way 5mins walk to the park started off a gently walk then sometime later a gently jog,

 I arrived at the Kite Square and service machines, benches, and a few people around, settled down to some stomach crunches again keeping it gentle and slow, felt good and continued on to a few light pull-ups and stretches, side bends and back home, On reaching for the keys to my astonishment they were gone? legged it, disappeared!

SHIT now how to get in, no mobile or other contact devices to get hold of anyone else, so back to the park, I wandered covering the area I was previously, nothing was found, disgruntled but remaining optimistic I sought out the park administrators, explaining what happened leaving my wechat and phone number in a hope they would get back to me with some positive news at least a few hours later, no chance that was not the case,

I wandered to the nearby social area and shops to sit and consider my next decision and plan.
A few mins later this girl comes running over to me saying hey remember me from TT cafe? to which I didn't but decided to hear more, she spoke of TEFL course and acceptance to UK Leeds university January 2020, however, that her scores on TEFL examination was not as expected on the Oral aspect, this was odd as I was dealing with my situation which to me was mega important.

So trying to end this conversation hastily and moving on She then blurted out that her recent news was of her mum's cancer discovery and she was suddenly watery eyed and emotional- making me more confused and uncomfortable,
 I was caught off guard, like a cat on a hot tin roof, unprepared nothing to really raise the game on that, WTF was happening today I thought inwardly, is this what my day is going to be a succession of unwanted situations and people?

Anyway I did my best to comfort her with kind words and an optimist view of how things may not be as bad with modern medicines in this area of the topic, bid farewell and pressed on to another location, a few mins later I found a siting auditorium and quickly got as comfortable as I could, began assessing my situation again,

 Not much longer and after coming into a plan of action I was ready to go and collect my things, getting to my feet, I noticed a mobile phone sitting without an owner? it was feet from me, I looked around couldn't see a returning person, decided to ask in Chinese '' ni shi de shou jie ma? [Is this your mobile?] To others and getting a ''Bu shi'' [not mine],  sitting around about it and decided to leave.
Enough was enough for one day thank you.

Stayed out all day without money or a phone to buy food, so luckily KFC provided free flowing hot water on tap from an Urn, this I decided I needed even if I was to last the whole day until 7pm when I can go back home to my flatmate after they were back home would at least keep the thirst away and some hunger pangs, until 4pm it did, then Mr hunger pangs started to rear its f**king ugly head, I was starving,.

And what was worst is I was in KFC of all places,? Crispy chicking and pie smell exuding in every area of the dining area, it was like a bloody gauntlet and the trial, The decision to leave was now imperative, I got up and left at 6:30pm return home and food glorious food again

Never again such foolishness, hat's a promise to myself, carry a mobile always and check my damn keys at every given opportunity when outside and in my pocket! a lesson well learned.



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