Monday, November 4, 2019

The Dream ~ Cosmetics China

The Dream ~ Of Beautifying People

This is China’s Cosmetic Surgery and Lifestyle, The GoalMust Have's, The Pursuit of Happiness, and Ultimate Beauty. The Beautiful Dream has arrived in China, Making a huge Supply and Demand for a 'Wannabe' Culture

''MINDSET' ”Magic Wand” Effect ExpectationsDemands on Perfection, Face, Good looks, and being Top in everything. This was Inevitable It was just a matter of time and fluidity in finances in Richer sectors of the population. The Venus Status is just a knife-edge away!

A Report from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), shares definitive proof. ISAPS data Showcases the types of procedures most commonly requested in 2016 and where worldwide patients had procedures.

The Runners of 5 countries under the knife for plastic surgery were
United States, Brazil, Japan, Italy, and Mexico.
Now China’s Cosmetic Surgery, Women's Lifestyle Working Opportunities, and Importance is Primary

Cause and Effects

Prying below the surface of China’s Lifestyle in Cosmetic Surgery and Booming Sales in the August 2019 article, just look at China’s beauty industry.

Cosmetic Surgery

The Numbers Are Proof: The beauty industry in China is Rushing at breakneck speeds. As demand for skincare products, make-up, and surgical procedures grow, so are local entrepreneurs and corporations striving to nab a chunk of the pie.

Women's, Aesthetics, Cosmetics, AssessmentAugmentation
Chinese Beauty Market is Rocketing, with an array of ingenious factors feeding growth. And the Japanese outlet Nikkei Asian Review outwardly claims ''beauty is the 2019 Buzzword of the millennia Digital arena and Commerce world.

Chinese Money Making Arena stands firmly in Plastic surgery and Augmented Feature Improvements.

Cosmetic Surgery

Types of Surgery Required

Certainly, Wealth and Disposable Income has risen exponentially In Big cities, So this is a key reason why women see it as an easier route and possibility to fulfilling their whims, and dreams and to achieve the idol appearances of magazine superstars and models.
It also seems clear to many that the Chinese somehow idolize the American way of living and attitudes, simply because they have been brainwashed from their early years, TV series in particular.

Without a Doubt access to the world stage and information, fashion, and lifestyles with the age of VPNs has handed those Chinese with reasonable income the opportunity to get online worldwide, apps We-Chat and Meitu, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn, and others, Women are well-informed on what else is happening with their gender counterparts abroad, Companies and publishing material is gauged to draw in women using their inside info on femininity and womanly wilds, also some off the wall rationale avenues that work for women's minds and needs

Face Geometries and Styles Cosmetic Surgery China

This Industry is moving and hopefully being monitored in the Chinese market, First was whitener products to meet the cultural perception of ''The Angel Syndrome'' Chinese women are Targets and big fish for firms like:

L’Oreal, Clinique, and Maybelline see in their Gun Scope sights, In early June L’Oreal press stated business in China has taken a huge profit and phenomenal momentum in sales and advertising, we can find special kiosks with automated buy and pay in shopping malls, this allows for easy access and no fuss purchasing, to top that women are queuing to buy daily, L'Oreal has a 10% gain in the company’s global turnover on sales, needless to say, its very buoyant and looking to increase this coming year.

It stands to reason that given significant availability, options, and Financial freedom women are even more in the market for bettering themselves above normal accessories as fixtures on their clothing and bodies. Here in China Sky's the Limit. The question that stands is exactly what is giving this Passion, Momentum, and Energy?

Best and most Popular Makeup Brands Around.
  • YSL Beauty.
  • Clinique.
  • Fenty Beauty.
  • Glossier.
  • Giorgio Armani Beauty.
  • Hourglass.
  • Urban Decay.
  • 1 MAC.
  • 2 Bobbi Brown.
  • 3 L'Oreal.
  • 4 Chanel.
  • 5 NYX.
  • 6 NARS.
  • 7 Maybelline.
  • 8 Estee Lauder.
Cosmetic Surgery Market Demand

Market Demand

Chinese proverb like this ‘Your face is your Rice Bowl - [脸蛋就是饭碗].’
This suggests the super importance of BEAUTY and being Beautiful, for women there may be no other comparisons perhaps not even SEX.

The foundations are set and the Cosmetics industry is rubbing its hands in utter delight and expectation, given the Revenue to be had particularly in China's Market and Volume.

Ladies will pay the earth for this Redressing and Augmentations, China’s Cosmetic Surgery, Women's Lifestyle, Working Opportunities, and Importance to preserve one's Face, position, and wealth, in the community lends themselves to this culture perfectly, now expectations and values can be met on a superficial level and aspect.

Beauty Factors play heavily in this game and impact one’s life, higher possibilities and leverage that a person has in life is a high gain and potential to get what you want. Research shows the real existence of Biased views of beauty in job markets globally is bent on the Appearances and attractiveness of applicants giving better than the normal emphasis on their success in acquiring a Job position.

Chinese Rationale: to Increase chances in relationships, marriages, Jobs, and business and seek international looks and features to face world perceptions of ''BEAUTY''

The Ever-expanding middle-class society and its increased ''throw-away able'' income are rising thus, more money to spend on something like plastic surgery. As the middle class continues to grow, the popularity of plastic surgery procedures inside China will likewise continue to increase.

The Most Popular Cosmetics Procedures

These popular plastic surgery procedures in China typically include:
  • Facelift procedures
  • Brow lift and forehead lift procedures
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
  • Rhinoplasty (nose job)
  • Mini facelift
The Purposes of these Procedures vary considerably depending on the patients. In some cases, these procedures are used for aesthetic purposes, to achieve the desired balanced feature. Other minor upgrades are a reduction of age and crows feet around eyes, cheeks, and mouth and depreciating necklines in Cosmetic Surgery China

China’s jobs requirements are undoubtedly more intense, moreover, students and graduates are supported by families, who believe that cosmetic surgery is a way to put their kids in stronger positions for Jobs and careers even finding a future partner of high quality and position –more so international university appeasement with counterparts, there have even been cases where breaking someone's legs and augmenting bone to give height is conceived as a viable option.

Popular Surgery such as Botox - Double Eyelid surgery – Nose and Ear, Chin reshaping and Grafting to improve possibilities and impressions for and during interviews, unlike international CVs Chinese employers love photos of the candidate, Dubiously biasing, which leads you to understand why.

Cosmetic Surgery
Scope of Participants for Surgery
Cosmetic surgery allows another level of achievement, those that have money can seek out betterment, and personal upgrading, if you don't fall into a bracket of beauty you have the ''Magic Wand'' Effect Option.

The Truth Equality is not just a payment away, and then supply and demand is all too clear and Growing

You-Tuber Naomi Wu commented, ''another aspect of society that is resoundingly unfair''. ''Normal'' no one cares about in China, Fact remains brains can buy you beauty but beauty can never buy you brains.”

For many, this trend is frightening. While those of us who were not raised on the internet were told that beauty is only skin deep, increasingly younger generations are bombarded with Photo-shopped, filtered pictures of physically enhanced models, actors, and superstars. The age of social media is seemingly ensuring that a new phase of beauty has arrived.

China Is the second-largest beauty market worldwide and still exponentially growing, Some of China’s largest corporations like Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba are adapting to demand opportunities, it would be foolish not investing heavily in Start-Up beauty companies.

The Future

The Asian Market for Plastic (aka) Cosmetic Surgery is growing like a Crazy Dog. Previously recognized and Prime leaders South Korea was placed well above the rest of Pan Asia Arena in the Cosmetic Surgery deliverable service industry. 

Business Insider Gauged in the region of 33-50% of South Korean women aged 19-29, have had some form of cosmetic surgery. Making Asians's the highest rate of plastic surgery recipients per capita Globally.

Unfortunately for Korea, this was unsustainable as everything man-made is their society rebelled and wanted to again embrace nature and redefine what beauty was not what was brainwashed into women

Sophie Samzideh
Associate Professor in the UK
China reflects this now and has a parallel resemblance to the beauty industry as was in South Korea. The younger generation, are the needy group predominantly with Higher expectations and needs and is drawn to this new Science of beauty Fixes, Ready for the better good, Getting under the knife as young teenagers are not uncommon, some as a prize from family even a graduation gift.

My Opinion

As a Man Criticism would be too easy, to disseminate, negate or even find rational reasons for distaste for this world of the ''Unnatural'' in cosmetic surgery, though for many men may be the pluses outweigh their criticisms, when your woman is an almost perfect dream doll? I can only say that any woman especially the younger, inexperienced, and doctrine ones, needs to be absolutely sure this is what they are willing to live with for their lifetime, some operations less obvious, but still likely to bring back the memories of not being Completely ''natural or normal'', it could be a trauma they are not ready for in later family or relationships ahead. But it is about choices that make us feel confident, assertive, and 'FIT- IN' with society if weaker in esteem, a tough choice but only you can decide

New Stream of Business Creation

It can be seen that this craze has now escalated in women going online to show off their newfound beauty creating a New Streaming Business, Fashionable Advertising for companies, ready to milk it for all it is worth!


China's Lady's Dreams come true, to be able to raise the bar on beauty and personal development through artificial reconstruction and augmentation, nips and tucks in every place to present themselves in a better Version. Whiteness and Whiteners in Skin were an important key several years ago, together with cosmetic surgery we have the Penultimate Expectations in Body Enhancements and transformations

The question pertaining to the ethics of plastic surgery always will be frowned upon yet the need is clearly Visible and Roaring, It would seem to me here in china that girls and older women embraced the features of their foreign counterparts with childlike awe, in that they are Designing Oriental features to match international concepts, offering a mixture of uniquely but odd features and beauty. Will demand be saturated to a point of dishonesty and poor service even malpractice, even unqualified operations taking place, only time will be the redeemer of that question

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