Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Chinese Students Studying Abroad

Chinese Students Studying Overseas


During my Three Months in the USA and May, I return to the UK

I Came to Realised from my interactions in both countries and social connections with Oriental Asians, primarily, Chinese Hong Kong and Tai’s that another perspective exists


An Interesting Aspect and refreshing view for me of these people working and living abroad so-called  overseas residents or [ex-pats] to begin with I asked this to everyone i meet ”Chinese Student Study Abroad – Choice Or Peer Pressure?”


This Is A Big Surprise that leaves a unique awareness, of how society and our environment crafts the person, However, given the opportunity to change these parameters of circumstances the person has a choice to review, reassess, comprehend, challenge, and decide on options that are now available

Many Chinese Students Study Abroad

Ching and Snow!

Chinese Medical Students

In the UK, Eastbourne I had the fortune to meet several Asian women and men, some were students on a couple, in particular, are studying medicine one in Oxford the Girlfriend in Cambridge.

Then had to take time out to travel down to the seaside resort Eastbourne for a break from studies and some TLC seems, I came upon them during my usual morning jog and around 7 am

they were taking refuge under a shelter as the rain began falling in a light but consistent drizzle, I decide to impose on them and engage in a chat from both curiosities and for selfish reasons too Practising Chinese, ..why not


The Conversation Was Smooth from the start talking about life and studies and how they met and so forth, strangely and enough they both just arrived a few months ago from SHENZHEN the very city I was living and working in for several years.

That piqued my interest even more as we had found a commonality of districts and Shenzhen has intentionally known the Electronics market world. All the same, we moved on to the aspect of good, bad, or indifference to studying abroad in the UK.


The Consensus was that it was a great treat to experience the UK and its high-end university establishment, together with the quintessential sedate and relaxed from the pressure of Chinese family expectations around you daily.

Then the idea to stay and work in the UK was appealing though they showed a distinct fear of what is needed to achieve in securing a working position in the UK, it seemed too complicated and involved for them to consider.


A Discussion on how it appears from the outside of china and security or freedom to express and be yourself as you really want was raised, Snow then-girlfriend, was subjective yet believes that china suppresses information and availability to real-world news.

she claims that she sees free information being withheld from the Chinese people systematically and selectively that can upset the norm in China [ ”more power to the people will bring more dissatisfaction”]

From Ching the Guy, clearly, the conversation reflected he was a patriot, and rightly so, however not a blinded one, but an intelligent and clear-headed individual

Ching’s standpoint on this was that china is powerful and needs to realize that power came from its connection with the world, he states that Chinese working and/or living abroad are better position and informed to appreciate and understand the reality.

Ching also wanted to return to China to work for his master’s degree to gain the skills he needed to become a doctor.  Snow was open to any choice Ching made.



Min UK

UK Resident Software Developer

Days later I felt like eating some junk food and tested my craving in MacDonald also desperate for a coffee and apple pie, I was in the sun and decided I needed to find a good spot to see the screen of my computer to write my blog articles.

Hence I Collected my things and headed upstairs finding a small secluded area then a funky style single sitting podium style area. Laptop ready i began researching, looking up I saw an Asian woman glancing at me Hello !! …that was my queue to approach and start a dialogue.


I Revel In This Situation; we ensued on a long conversation as if we knew each other for years; it was easy and without discomfort, Her English was at a high level and I found out she was a software developer with a real interest in the job these days.

She Moved From London from the fuss and busy environment to Pole gate near Eastbourne, the quiet life and seclusion from the limelight were perfect to hear needs, having 2 kids and entertaining mum and dad from north China was a good family environment and outside of China.


Min Originally from Taiyuan, in Shanxi, is a UK resident after studying and finding work in a company in Brighton, has lived here for over 10 years. As a mother of 2 girls she considers herself as happy and self-contained with her current life, Min displays assertiveness and an international attitude, less focused on material things and position, different from the Chinese I met in China or holiday travelers.


So We Can Draw from this that people of cultures and backgrounds can raise their ideals and concepts even break the Traditions and Values placed on them by parents, peers, and families, Allowing a degree of options. As Min stated, she still faces the cultural mindset of the mother who tries to enact and impose in her home here in the UK



Amy Tailand 


English Student

Amy a 6 Month improvement student from Thailand, speaks pretty good English possible a level 7

We Met in a Bookstore at Eastbourne center, a very approachable young lady with an interest in books, her question me was what’s the best way to learn English and improve

I suggested maybe starting with some simple poems, find a genre she liked and begin basic layout and appreciation of the content and point of the poem, she was thankful and later searched the section mentioned.




Amy Enjoys The Opportunity to mingle and interact with the university’s multicultural students, meeting all nationalities in the class and exchanging and sharing experiences, difficulties, and lifestyles, she has spent some time in HONG KONG.

She believes the importance of traveling and cultural sharing is the cornerstone to the richness of intelligence and understanding,  Amy also is adamant that one future, vision, and creativity are part and parcel of Openness and appreciation of the world.

Her View on Language is that we only get better or driven by language if we can take part in the counties and its people. Amy is a firm believer that her skills and interests will be heightened by her travel and appreciation of what is out there, good or bad

Amy Speaks Tai Language but has embraced Guangdong Hua [ Hong Kong Chinese ] she sees Chinese here in Britain and states they surprise her how open they are to what she first experienced in her home country by Chinese tourists


Students from Asia and particular China have a great prestigious attraction to UK scholarship, the historical backdrop of UK and Eaton, Cambridge, Oxford as high profile educational establishments to make employers eyes raise in good hopes of impeccable credentials

Learning and developing internationally for students naturally, organically, brings into focus the need to rationalize and re-assessment of ”what was to what is”  challenges to values predetermined ideals and previous beliefs, in-turn a clarity and self realization of worth and choices is reached.


Chris Jones

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