Sunday, August 13, 2023

China Personal Experience


When we find excuses to not preform simple tasks, duties, or just a positive mindset that moves us forward in Daily life, we are already on a slippery slope, Why? We have disconnected from our worth and values, what else is then left to drive us to achieving anything?



We have days of low moods, distracted from our frame or direction to complete what makes us actually feel good, however that standard should not become the norm. 

The Maintaining your MONEY, MUSCLE, GAME AND FRAME should never be normal it should be the Goals you set in your daily life style.


Another Notable Birthday

What have i learnt from another day of my life and socialital norms? that Keeping my Standards, Values and Ability to Manage and adapt to challenges i face with a smile,optimistic view, see it simply as experience that life throws at me one that is neither GOOD OR BAD just Experiences


Values and traditional Eastern women offer men the simple expectations and requirements in a girlfriend and wife, there just is no comparison, the West a have lost the plot, a huge drift away from what was once stable and normal between the genders and sexes

Time will correct but what of the 'now generation' of women with living the life of Independance, social freedom and boss womenship? suffering and the wall is about to be a deafing reality sound and blow to them. 

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